The Go-Giver Success Group is a team of people committed to helping others create wealth and residual income. If you are someone who enjoys contributing to the well-being of others, we can help you create a significant income by doing just that! Check back here regularly, or go here to sign up for regular updates and information via email. We look forward to meeting you!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Free Shipping in February!!!

In case you missed it, here's a recording of last night's Corporate Update call:

Some great announcements were made... including the upcoming promotion for the month of February which includes FREE SHIPPING on all first time orders between $80 and $300!!!
This is a great time to share our incredible products with the people in your life (even if you're a customer, you will receive a 55% commission on any first time orders of people you refer... and they all get FREE SHIPPING!)

And if you haven't tried our products yet, now is a great time to start and to be able to take advantage of the savings you'll receive by not having to pay shipping!!!

Please let me know if you have any questions or need help placing an order...




Would you like a personalized page?

Have you checked out our new internet marketing system (Club 100k) yet?

This system was designed by our own David McLaughlin and it ROCKS (for those of us that are interested in building our businesses online and tapping into the MILLIONS of people that are out there actively seeking out home-based business and residual income opportunities.

Anyway, I've just customized my page by adding my own video. When you join Club 100k you will be given your own replicating site with full access to this incredible new system. It comes with the video of David on it which is great on it's own, and for those who may want to personalize it like I did, it's simple to do.

Check out my personalized page here.

Please let me know if you have any questions... and at the very least, put in your contact information on my site so you can see what comes next (this is what everyone you send to your site will receive as well... powerful stuff)!

Talk to you soon,


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Join Us Tonight! And Some Gratitude...

I just wanted to remind you that we'll be having our Go-Giver Success Group core team call tonight @
5pm MST.

This call is open to everyone... our current core team members as well as people who are just interested in
listening in, meeting us, asking some questions, etc. So please join us!!

The dial-in information is:

(608)649-1800 access code 1073841#

* please dial in a few minutes early and announce yourself!*

I also wanted to remind everyone how fortunate we are to be involved in a business like this one.

A few days ago I was driving behind a car that had a bumper sticker that read,"I'd tell you to go to hell but I work there and I don't want to see you every day."

I immediately went to a place of gratitude... just so grateful that I don't have that sticker on my car, and that that is not my reality.

I'm so grateful that I get to do what I love every day and make a profound difference for people. And I have a ton of compassion for those who feel like they work in 'hell'.

Are you one of those people? Do you know someone who feels that way about their situation?

If so, we can help you... and we can help you to help those around you.

Please let me know if there's anything I can help you with. Feel free to email me @ or call me anytime @ 303.506.3660.

We look forward to meeting you (and hopefully hearing you on the call tonight)!

Expect Abundance,


p.s. Maybe you don't feel like you're in 'hell' but you'd like to create some additional income or have more time to spend with your family. We can help!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A friend in need...

Yesterday I received a call from my friend/neighbor. All she said was, "Amy, can you please come over right now... it's an emergency." She was crying.

I dropped everything and went. I ended up spending the rest of the day and the entire evening there... and went back again this morning to stay w/ her until her family would arrive.

The whole time I was there I was thinking about how grateful I am that
  1.  I work for myself and make my own hours and
  2.  I have residual income which basically equates to time freedom (so I got paid while I was helping my friend).

What a gift. This opportunity is seriously a gift. It provides us the freedom in our lives to do what we want, when we want... regardless if that is going on a fabulous vacation, helping a friend in need, or spending time w/ a sick parent. We get to choose how we spend our time... what a gift!

And not only is this business a gift to me, but because of it, I was able to provide a gift for my friend and help her during a time of need. I know several of my colleagues have used this gift to spend an indefinite amount of time with a dying parent in another part of the country or the world. And I know of a number of people in our industry who are able to be in Haiti helping the people there during a time of need.

Not to mention the incredible gift to our children when we are able to be with them as much as we want and to attend all of their sporting events, school play, etc.

Being involved in a business like this allows us to be able to give back in so many ways... not just financially, but timewise as well. We have the gift of time freedom... without which, in my opinion, true wealth is not possible.

So, once again, I've been given a wonderful opportunity to be reminded about how fortunate we are for this opportunity. Something I'll never take for granted...

Have you missed out on an opportunity to make a difference for someone recently? Are you ready to do something about it?

We'd love to have you on our team if you're ready. Give me a call (303.506.3660) or send me an email ( and we'll get you started.

I look forward to meeting you!

Expect Abundance,


Monday, January 11, 2010

Live Training & Support Calls Starting This Week!


Weekly Go-Giver Success Group Training & Support Calls!!!

When: Wednesday evenings 5-6pm MST
Where: 608-649-1800 Access Code 1073841#

*Important! We will NOT be meeting on this call on the 3rd Wednesday of the month due to our live Denver Community Event that happens on that night!

Please join us if you're on our team or considering joining us... it's a great place to come to get your questions answered and have a chance to get to know us better!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

More on Club 100k

I just made a quick video to explain a bit more about Club 100k.

After watching it, if you're still not clear, read the post down below for lots more information!

Expect Abundance,


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Congrats to Cindy!

I just wanted to congratulate Cindy Lapp, a member of our team from Morrison, Colorado. She signed up her first new Club 100k member today using our new system.

So there's the proof that our system works... and there are a ton of people out there looking for a way to create income online.

If you haven't seen it yet, you can check out Club 100k and how it all works here.

Congratulations, Cindy! Great way to start off the year... and we're looking forward to a REALLY exciting year with this new system!

Expect Abundance,


Introducing Club 100K

When I was first introduced to this business, I had no idea what was possible.

I was looking for a way to earn a significant income from the comfort of my home, and I was tired of working endless hours just to make someone else wealthy.

There were lots of people making high 5, 6 and even 7 figure incomes in this company and I just knew that if they could do it, so could I.

I've been in this company now for over 6 years and I have to say that I'm more excited than ever to be a part of it.

You see, when I first started out, we were all flying by the seats of our pants trying to figure out what works and what doesn't, experimenting with all kinds of ideas and hoping that along the way we'd figure out how to build this thing FAST.

At that time, we didn't have any kind of system in place.

And I still managed to earn an income and eventually I was able to stop trading hours for dollars in my other careers.

Over time things got a lot more dialed in and we found a system (that we continue to use) that allows us to easily teach others how to generate a significant significant income. Things are MUCH easier than they used to be.

And now, I'm excited to say, that things have just gotten even easier. We have been wanting to create a way for people to earn a significant residual income that is set up to be done strictly online.

We realize that there are LOADS of people out there who want to earn an income by simply sending traffic to a website... and we wanted to set something so that they, too, could capitalize on our unbeatable compensation plan.

If you are one of these people, you are definitely going to want to check out Club 100k. This system, along with our generous compensation plan, is set up to automatically structure each person's organization to generate $154,000 per MONTH.

Go here to learn more about how this works and the power of this system and compensation plan.

And get ready to go FAST.

The sooner, the better... we just launched this system and people are joining in droves...

Beware, this system does not require Cold Calling, Pitching Family and Friends, Making a List, Hosting Home Parties or trying to sell our Company's product on the streets.

Truly, there is NO better combination than this system plus this compensation plan in the Home Business Industry in my opinion.

So, what do you do next?

Do what everybody else who is making money with us has done:

Watch this video
, fill out your name and email address, and you will be taken to a page that will explain our system, our comp plan, and a place for you to go to join Club 100k.

We will contact you right away once you join and show you exactly what to do next.

As a matter of fact, once you get started, we will teach you everything we know about how to start making big money too, even in the middle of this economic recession.

Expect Abundance,



If you feel you have what it takes to become Self Employed, can follow a System and work well with others, head on over to Club 100k and get started.