The Go-Giver Success Group is a team of people committed to helping others create wealth and residual income. If you are someone who enjoys contributing to the well-being of others, we can help you create a significant income by doing just that! Check back here regularly, or go here to sign up for regular updates and information via email. We look forward to meeting you!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Building a Business Via the Internet- Some Resources

As many of you are aware, one of my biggest passions is internet marketing. I've been educating myself in the realm of internet marketing for several years (taking courses, attending seminars & webinars, reading books, etc) and am currently focusing primarily on internet marketing to build my network marketing business. I know many of you are wanting to build via the internet as well, so I just wanted to share a few resources w/ you (if internet marketing is not of interest to you, please disregard this post!).

My main passion in internet marketing is in 'Internet Network Marketing' . I have several mentors who I've learned everything I know from...

I am stepping it up in a big way right now, and I'm very busy laying some groundwork, but stay tuned for some really exciting announcements that I will be sharing with you soon that will probably be of interest if you are interested in building a large organization via the power of the internet.

In the meantime, here are a couple of things I wanted to share w/ you:

1) Mike Dillard is one of my biggest mentors and I highly recommend any of his courses (Magnetic Sponsoring, Building On A Budget, etc... these are where I've learned almost everything I know). This week, on Wednesday @ 6pm MST, Magnetic Sponsoring is hosting a FREE webinar w/ social media queen Katie Freiling where she will reveal how she generates hundreds of leads daily using Facebook and Twitter, how she converts those leads into members and customers for her business, a typical day in her life, etc. I'll be there... and if you'd like to be as well you can register here. (again, it's free!)

2) There's a HUGE internet network marketing event coming up in October (2nd and 3rd) in Las Vegas. Mike Dillard, Daegen Smith, and some of the other big 'gurus' in this niche will be there... and it will be awesome grounds for learning as well as networking. I'll be attending with my friend and Club 100k member Mathes Jones... can't wait! It's EXTREMELY affordable ($199), so if you have an interest and would like to meet us there, let me know. You can see the details here.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

I hope to 'see' you on the webinar on Wednesday and in Vegas in October!


Monday, May 17, 2010

One way to explode your business...

I've been w/ Life Force for over 7 years now, and many of the biggest breakthroughs I've had in my business (and my check!) have come from attending the annual international convention. Watch this short video for some juicy details...

Truly, one of the big benefits of being a part of this company and this team, is that we get to attend this fabulous convention every year. This year, it will be in sunny San Diego on August 13th and 14th. Will you be there?

If you haven't joined our team yet, you can join now and have a couple of rank advancements on time to be recognized for them at convention!

And we'll definitely be doing some beach-time while we're there (last year we had a huge potluck on the beach at sunset... so fun!).

Hope to see you @ convention! And if you're ready to join our team, just call me and I'll help you get started! 303.506.3660.

Talk to you soon!


Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Love Story Called Life Force International

Here's a great video from Troy Dooly of the MLM helpdesk talking about the Love Story Called Life Force International (that's us!).

He talks about how Life Force is one of the greatest love stories ever lived... I have to say I would definitely agree.

We are so lucky to be part of a company like this! Check out the short video here:

Please let me know if you have any questions. Call me @ 303.506.3660 or email me @

I look forward to hearing from you,


Monday, May 3, 2010

A letter to a skeptical prospect...

I got a message this morning from a man who wanted more information about our business and our system (Club 100K). Not for himself, but for his son who needs help funding his retirement. He was extremely skeptical and had lots of questions. After replying to his message, I thought the information might be valuable to all of you... so here's my response for your reading enjoyment. Lots of juicy information...

Dear Jim,

Thanks so much for your message.

I totally understand your skepticism… many people have it, and I always recommend that folks do their due diligence.

As far as your son goes… yes, this is a great way to create a stream of income to fund his retirement. The nice thing about it is that it’s residual income… so you build it once and get paid over and over again each month (unlike the typical retirement fund that is gone forever once you spend it).

Yes, this system works. And there are companies out there like you mentioned, where only the people at the top make the big $. It all depends on how the compensation plan is structured, and this company is very different than most. People that come in under me can make more $ than me if they build a bigger organization… it’s a totally level playing field, which I love.

The company also pays us really well to help others succeed… we actually get paid more to help others than we would if we just did it all ourselves. I absolutely LOVE this structure. We call it a cooperative business model because we all work together to help each other succeed… it’s awesome.

Yes, I’ve been doing this for about 7 years now. When I went through my divorce 2 years ago, I went through some really hard times. My income was literally cut in half because I had built a second position in my husband’s name (this is allowed once you reach a certain level in the company), and, although he pretty much had nothing to do with it, he took it in the divorce because it had his name on it. So he started getting a big residual check every month that used to come to me and I had to start over. It was hard, but because I believe in the company and the industry so much, I started over and built another whole new position, and I’m continuing to build to help me get to where I want to be financially.

I am extremely passionate about all of it… the company, the system, the comp plan, and especially what residual income provides for people as far as time freedom to do the things we love in our lives, spend time with our families, and get paid whether we work or not. I experienced the power of residual income first hand when I went through my divorce and literally took 4 months off to move, help my kids, and do what I needed to do and got paid the entire time,  enough to support my family. Since that experience, I’ve been more passionate than ever about what I’m up to and what this opportunity provides for people. This is why I want to share it with the world and help as many people as possible achieve the benefits of residual income in their lives.

I’ve always known that I wanted to make a difference for people, and I’ve done that in some of the other careers that I’ve had over the years… but not at the level that I’m able to do it here. This company is a phenomenal vehicle to make a HUGE difference for people in regard to their health, and the business opportunity gives other people the opportunity to be able to make a difference for people, and to create financial freedom. It’s a win-win.

Also, as far as your skepticism goes, here’s some really good news. Our company offers a 100% money-back-guarantee for 45 days. What this means is that there’s zero risk involved. When somebody wants to try our products, they can fully test drive them for 45 days and if for any reason they’re not satisfied they can get all of their $ back, no questions asked (if they buy similar products at a health food store, etc, this is definitely not the case).

And when someone joins and wants to build a business, we are completely committed to helping each person cover the cost of their product immediately and get into profit (ideally w/in the first week or so)… but if for some reason this doesn’t happen or they decide this isn’t a fit for them, they can get all of their $ back, no questions asked. Club 100k has a money-back-guarantee as well.

Anyway, I hope I’ve addressed your concerns. I’d love to chat with your son if he’s interested in learning more… that usually works best to make sure we get all of his questions answered. If you send me his number, I'd be happy to give him a call. Or he can call me @ 303.955.2565 anytime (you’re certainly welcome to call as well) if that works better.

Thanks again for the message, and please let me know if I left anything out.

I look forward to hearing from you soon,


Monday, March 1, 2010

Club 100K- Your Questions Addressed

We recently sent out a survey to find out what questions, concerns you all had in regard to Club 100K and starting a home-based business. Here's a short video that goes over everything that you asked for in the survey:

Please let me know if you have any additional questions!

Call me anytime @ 303.506.3660 or shoot me an email @

I look forward to hearing from you!

Expect Abundance,


Monday, February 15, 2010

Competitive Vs Cooperative - A Comparison of Two Common Business Models

One of the things I love most about the way we do business in this industry is the fact that we use a cooperative business model rather than a competitive one like the one used in Corporate America. Network Marketing is actually one of the most ethical ways of doing business, and that is largely due to the fact that the cooperative business model is commonly used.

The Competitive Business Model

The competitive business model, as used in Corporate America, is much more common. In this model, if someone wants to advance in the company they literally have to wait for someone to quit, die, or retire. It causes the workplace to become very cut-throat and competitive.

You wouldn't want to share all of your success secrets with a business associate and help them to be more successful only to run the risk of them getting the promotion instead of you, would you?

It ends up becoming an "every man for himself" kind of environment, and often times this leads to a lack of trust, among other things. It's hard to really befriend someone when your consistently competing with them, isn't it?

The Cooperative Business Model

Now let's look at the cooperative business model that's used in a lot of network marketing companies. In this model, we get paid on the efforts of other people. Therefore, it's in our best interest to help others succeed.

When I sponsor someone into my business, I want them to be as successful as possible. I am going to get paid for all of their efforts and successes, and I am willing to do everything I can to assure that they are successful. I will provide coaching and training for free, and I will make myself totally available for this person.

Not only that, but in this model it's a level playing field. This means that there's room for all of us at the top... the company would love it if we all were constantly advancing in rank, therefore there's no competition.

Let's Compare The 2 Business Models For A Moment.

The competitive model, like Corporate America, is shaped like a pyramid. The CEO is at the top of the triangle, under him are the VP's, then the middle management, etc. all the way down to the minimum wage employees who are sweeping the floor. In this model, the people at the top got there due to their education, experience, or relationship with someone they know at the top.

There's absolutely no chance for the janitor way down at the bottom of the pyramid to ever make his way into one of the VP slots. It's highly unlikely this would ever happen within the political structure of this business model.

In the cooperative model on the other hand, EVERYONE comes in at the bottom. It doesn't matter what race or religion you are or what kind of degree you hold. We advance in rank based on our performance alone, and those who produce the most get paid the most.

It's a completely level playing field, totally fair and ethical. Everyone has the same chance at succeeding... sometimes the ones we least expect are the ones who are the most successful!

It's all about action and results, not education. As a matter of fact, because of the cooperative nature of this model, the education needed is usually provided by the person or team that sponsors a new person... happily and for free!

Is Community Important To You?

It's because of the way we do business in this industry that we are able to form these tight knit communities of people that are really there for each other through thick and thin. We are continuously helping each other rather than competing with each other, and the types of friendships that are formed here are deep and lasting.

Rather than the "every man for himself" environment, we work in a "one for all and all for one" environment, being of service to each other and supporting each other. Having experienced both myself, I'd choose the cooperative model over the competitive one any day... it's really a lot more fun.

Expect Abundance,


Friday, February 12, 2010

Please Take This Short Survey!!!

As you may know, we have a new internet marketing system called Club 100K available to help people who want to use the internet to build residual income.

In order to serve you better, we'd love to hear your questions and feedback. We will be putting together a series of videos to address different topics regarding our business, our company, and our system and would love to know what you're interested in hearing about.

Please take this short survey (10 questions) to help us provide you with the information you're looking for!

Thanks so much!

Expect Abundance,


Monday, February 8, 2010

Why Life Force?

Here's a great article from Paul Devlin (one of the top leaders in our company AND our industry, talking about a core advantage of buliding a business with Life Force. Enjoy!

What is one core advantage of building a business with Life Force?
By Paul Devlin

Well, if you were around in 2006-2007 you probably would have heard about a sensational new company called YTB travel. This was one of the hottest networking companies in of 2007. Their sales exploded. The excitement level was palpable. From an energy perspective, they had it all. Their CEO was 30 years old and would give speeches at their convention in a Hawaiian shirt and shorts, wearing an old straw cowboy hat. The whole thing was one big party. I saw him speak once in Dallas and the guy was intoxicating (if not intoxicated!).

As a result, thousands of unsuspecting entrepreneurs jumped in on that basis alone. They didn't stop to think about what they were really trying to create - the residual income - they didn't do any due-diligence on the business, they just knew that this was an exciting new deal, plus, someone they knew was now really excited about it too. And who doesn't love to travel with their friends? Yippeee!! It was all the due-diligence they needed!

So they joined and started spreading the word about YTB travel to their networks. When they joined, it cost them $449 dollars just for the privilege of being able to offer this wonderful travel program to others for a profit. Hmmmmm. And what did people get for their $400? What specific product did they receive? There wasn't one. Oh wait - I forgot, there was a replicating website! Just like the one you get for free as a Life Force member...

Here's what my friend Rod Cook (the MLM Watchdog) had to say about YTB:

YTB pulled consumers into its travel business with phoney promises of wealth and deceptive marketing. YTB charged customers $449.95 for the purchase of a website, and $49.95 a month to operate it. In total, consumers who became sellers of travel paid YTB over $1,000 in the first year of operation.

Many Distributors signed up to sell travel or to obtain travel discounts, but they quickly found it virtually impossible to make money selling travel. A plane ticket from Los Angeles to New York, for instance, would only yield $3 in profit. An international ticket from San Francisco to London would net only $6 in profit.

In 2007, the investigation showed annual median income for those selling travel was $39.00, less than one month's cost to operate the website. The majority of consumers who purchased YTB websites made no money through the sale of travel, and many lost money through continued website operations.

Now the attorney generals from the great states of Illinois and California have taken issue with YTB. Surprise, surprise. So now YTB is in big trouble. They are scrambling to add products, but it's probably too late. This is a company destined for the trash heap. A trash heap that is littered with failed travel deals trying in vain to sell a tight-margined commodity (travel) in a network marketing business model. Duh.

So what happens to all these YTB people? The ones who joined because of all the hype and excitement? What happens to their income? I think we know the answer to that one.  What happens to their reputations? How are they now going to be perceived by their networks - especially the ones that coughed up the $400 to join what the AG from Illinois is now referring to as an "illegal pyramid scheme"?

Folks, this kind of thing is traumatizing and devastating on every level.

That's one of the core advantages of building a business with Life Force.

You get to avoid this kind of personal and financial pain. You get to avoid working for a clueless company. You get to avoid the humiliation of leading people you care about into a clueless company. You get to avoid the horror of having to call your downline and tell them that the clueless company you recommended has just gone bankrupt. But that's not all...

you also get to avoid the personal anguish as the company gets publicly humiliated as a pyramid scam. How would you like to be the leader of a downline in YTB? Now listen, getting to avoid all that drama may not seem sexy at first, but trust me, it's an incredible benefit. We who are fortunate enough to have chosen Life Force instead, all ought to be shouting: Yippeee!!

And while I can't see Wayne Hillman doing the convention in shorts, I'm sure glad we've got him at the helm as opposed to some yahoo in a straw hat. My friends, here's the bottom line: if you're looking to build residual income, you've come to the right place!

And, don't forget about the new system we now have access to. Go check out Club 100k!

Expect Abundance,


Friday, February 5, 2010

7-Minute Interview w/ Michael Jude & Christa Way

David Mclaughlin, my business partner that I've been working with for the last 7 years, just did a great interview w/ Michael Jude and Christa Way (the top income earners in our company and part of our team!).

<-- This is a check showing their MONTHLY income.

It's a quick 7-minute listen, and I promise it will worth every second of your time to have a listen.

Check it out here:

Michael & Christa have so much wisdom and we are fortunate enough that we get to work with them every day...
Expect Abundance,

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Free Shipping in February!!!

In case you missed it, here's a recording of last night's Corporate Update call:

Some great announcements were made... including the upcoming promotion for the month of February which includes FREE SHIPPING on all first time orders between $80 and $300!!!
This is a great time to share our incredible products with the people in your life (even if you're a customer, you will receive a 55% commission on any first time orders of people you refer... and they all get FREE SHIPPING!)

And if you haven't tried our products yet, now is a great time to start and to be able to take advantage of the savings you'll receive by not having to pay shipping!!!

Please let me know if you have any questions or need help placing an order...




Would you like a personalized page?

Have you checked out our new internet marketing system (Club 100k) yet?

This system was designed by our own David McLaughlin and it ROCKS (for those of us that are interested in building our businesses online and tapping into the MILLIONS of people that are out there actively seeking out home-based business and residual income opportunities.

Anyway, I've just customized my page by adding my own video. When you join Club 100k you will be given your own replicating site with full access to this incredible new system. It comes with the video of David on it which is great on it's own, and for those who may want to personalize it like I did, it's simple to do.

Check out my personalized page here.

Please let me know if you have any questions... and at the very least, put in your contact information on my site so you can see what comes next (this is what everyone you send to your site will receive as well... powerful stuff)!

Talk to you soon,


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Join Us Tonight! And Some Gratitude...

I just wanted to remind you that we'll be having our Go-Giver Success Group core team call tonight @
5pm MST.

This call is open to everyone... our current core team members as well as people who are just interested in
listening in, meeting us, asking some questions, etc. So please join us!!

The dial-in information is:

(608)649-1800 access code 1073841#

* please dial in a few minutes early and announce yourself!*

I also wanted to remind everyone how fortunate we are to be involved in a business like this one.

A few days ago I was driving behind a car that had a bumper sticker that read,"I'd tell you to go to hell but I work there and I don't want to see you every day."

I immediately went to a place of gratitude... just so grateful that I don't have that sticker on my car, and that that is not my reality.

I'm so grateful that I get to do what I love every day and make a profound difference for people. And I have a ton of compassion for those who feel like they work in 'hell'.

Are you one of those people? Do you know someone who feels that way about their situation?

If so, we can help you... and we can help you to help those around you.

Please let me know if there's anything I can help you with. Feel free to email me @ or call me anytime @ 303.506.3660.

We look forward to meeting you (and hopefully hearing you on the call tonight)!

Expect Abundance,


p.s. Maybe you don't feel like you're in 'hell' but you'd like to create some additional income or have more time to spend with your family. We can help!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A friend in need...

Yesterday I received a call from my friend/neighbor. All she said was, "Amy, can you please come over right now... it's an emergency." She was crying.

I dropped everything and went. I ended up spending the rest of the day and the entire evening there... and went back again this morning to stay w/ her until her family would arrive.

The whole time I was there I was thinking about how grateful I am that
  1.  I work for myself and make my own hours and
  2.  I have residual income which basically equates to time freedom (so I got paid while I was helping my friend).

What a gift. This opportunity is seriously a gift. It provides us the freedom in our lives to do what we want, when we want... regardless if that is going on a fabulous vacation, helping a friend in need, or spending time w/ a sick parent. We get to choose how we spend our time... what a gift!

And not only is this business a gift to me, but because of it, I was able to provide a gift for my friend and help her during a time of need. I know several of my colleagues have used this gift to spend an indefinite amount of time with a dying parent in another part of the country or the world. And I know of a number of people in our industry who are able to be in Haiti helping the people there during a time of need.

Not to mention the incredible gift to our children when we are able to be with them as much as we want and to attend all of their sporting events, school play, etc.

Being involved in a business like this allows us to be able to give back in so many ways... not just financially, but timewise as well. We have the gift of time freedom... without which, in my opinion, true wealth is not possible.

So, once again, I've been given a wonderful opportunity to be reminded about how fortunate we are for this opportunity. Something I'll never take for granted...

Have you missed out on an opportunity to make a difference for someone recently? Are you ready to do something about it?

We'd love to have you on our team if you're ready. Give me a call (303.506.3660) or send me an email ( and we'll get you started.

I look forward to meeting you!

Expect Abundance,


Monday, January 11, 2010

Live Training & Support Calls Starting This Week!


Weekly Go-Giver Success Group Training & Support Calls!!!

When: Wednesday evenings 5-6pm MST
Where: 608-649-1800 Access Code 1073841#

*Important! We will NOT be meeting on this call on the 3rd Wednesday of the month due to our live Denver Community Event that happens on that night!

Please join us if you're on our team or considering joining us... it's a great place to come to get your questions answered and have a chance to get to know us better!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

More on Club 100k

I just made a quick video to explain a bit more about Club 100k.

After watching it, if you're still not clear, read the post down below for lots more information!

Expect Abundance,


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Congrats to Cindy!

I just wanted to congratulate Cindy Lapp, a member of our team from Morrison, Colorado. She signed up her first new Club 100k member today using our new system.

So there's the proof that our system works... and there are a ton of people out there looking for a way to create income online.

If you haven't seen it yet, you can check out Club 100k and how it all works here.

Congratulations, Cindy! Great way to start off the year... and we're looking forward to a REALLY exciting year with this new system!

Expect Abundance,


Introducing Club 100K

When I was first introduced to this business, I had no idea what was possible.

I was looking for a way to earn a significant income from the comfort of my home, and I was tired of working endless hours just to make someone else wealthy.

There were lots of people making high 5, 6 and even 7 figure incomes in this company and I just knew that if they could do it, so could I.

I've been in this company now for over 6 years and I have to say that I'm more excited than ever to be a part of it.

You see, when I first started out, we were all flying by the seats of our pants trying to figure out what works and what doesn't, experimenting with all kinds of ideas and hoping that along the way we'd figure out how to build this thing FAST.

At that time, we didn't have any kind of system in place.

And I still managed to earn an income and eventually I was able to stop trading hours for dollars in my other careers.

Over time things got a lot more dialed in and we found a system (that we continue to use) that allows us to easily teach others how to generate a significant significant income. Things are MUCH easier than they used to be.

And now, I'm excited to say, that things have just gotten even easier. We have been wanting to create a way for people to earn a significant residual income that is set up to be done strictly online.

We realize that there are LOADS of people out there who want to earn an income by simply sending traffic to a website... and we wanted to set something so that they, too, could capitalize on our unbeatable compensation plan.

If you are one of these people, you are definitely going to want to check out Club 100k. This system, along with our generous compensation plan, is set up to automatically structure each person's organization to generate $154,000 per MONTH.

Go here to learn more about how this works and the power of this system and compensation plan.

And get ready to go FAST.

The sooner, the better... we just launched this system and people are joining in droves...

Beware, this system does not require Cold Calling, Pitching Family and Friends, Making a List, Hosting Home Parties or trying to sell our Company's product on the streets.

Truly, there is NO better combination than this system plus this compensation plan in the Home Business Industry in my opinion.

So, what do you do next?

Do what everybody else who is making money with us has done:

Watch this video
, fill out your name and email address, and you will be taken to a page that will explain our system, our comp plan, and a place for you to go to join Club 100k.

We will contact you right away once you join and show you exactly what to do next.

As a matter of fact, once you get started, we will teach you everything we know about how to start making big money too, even in the middle of this economic recession.

Expect Abundance,



If you feel you have what it takes to become Self Employed, can follow a System and work well with others, head on over to Club 100k and get started.