The Go-Giver Success Group is a team of people committed to helping others create wealth and residual income. If you are someone who enjoys contributing to the well-being of others, we can help you create a significant income by doing just that! Check back here regularly, or go here to sign up for regular updates and information via email. We look forward to meeting you!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Why Life Force?

Here's a great article from Paul Devlin (one of the top leaders in our company AND our industry, talking about a core advantage of buliding a business with Life Force. Enjoy!

What is one core advantage of building a business with Life Force?
By Paul Devlin

Well, if you were around in 2006-2007 you probably would have heard about a sensational new company called YTB travel. This was one of the hottest networking companies in of 2007. Their sales exploded. The excitement level was palpable. From an energy perspective, they had it all. Their CEO was 30 years old and would give speeches at their convention in a Hawaiian shirt and shorts, wearing an old straw cowboy hat. The whole thing was one big party. I saw him speak once in Dallas and the guy was intoxicating (if not intoxicated!).

As a result, thousands of unsuspecting entrepreneurs jumped in on that basis alone. They didn't stop to think about what they were really trying to create - the residual income - they didn't do any due-diligence on the business, they just knew that this was an exciting new deal, plus, someone they knew was now really excited about it too. And who doesn't love to travel with their friends? Yippeee!! It was all the due-diligence they needed!

So they joined and started spreading the word about YTB travel to their networks. When they joined, it cost them $449 dollars just for the privilege of being able to offer this wonderful travel program to others for a profit. Hmmmmm. And what did people get for their $400? What specific product did they receive? There wasn't one. Oh wait - I forgot, there was a replicating website! Just like the one you get for free as a Life Force member...

Here's what my friend Rod Cook (the MLM Watchdog) had to say about YTB:

YTB pulled consumers into its travel business with phoney promises of wealth and deceptive marketing. YTB charged customers $449.95 for the purchase of a website, and $49.95 a month to operate it. In total, consumers who became sellers of travel paid YTB over $1,000 in the first year of operation.

Many Distributors signed up to sell travel or to obtain travel discounts, but they quickly found it virtually impossible to make money selling travel. A plane ticket from Los Angeles to New York, for instance, would only yield $3 in profit. An international ticket from San Francisco to London would net only $6 in profit.

In 2007, the investigation showed annual median income for those selling travel was $39.00, less than one month's cost to operate the website. The majority of consumers who purchased YTB websites made no money through the sale of travel, and many lost money through continued website operations.

Now the attorney generals from the great states of Illinois and California have taken issue with YTB. Surprise, surprise. So now YTB is in big trouble. They are scrambling to add products, but it's probably too late. This is a company destined for the trash heap. A trash heap that is littered with failed travel deals trying in vain to sell a tight-margined commodity (travel) in a network marketing business model. Duh.

So what happens to all these YTB people? The ones who joined because of all the hype and excitement? What happens to their income? I think we know the answer to that one.  What happens to their reputations? How are they now going to be perceived by their networks - especially the ones that coughed up the $400 to join what the AG from Illinois is now referring to as an "illegal pyramid scheme"?

Folks, this kind of thing is traumatizing and devastating on every level.

That's one of the core advantages of building a business with Life Force.

You get to avoid this kind of personal and financial pain. You get to avoid working for a clueless company. You get to avoid the humiliation of leading people you care about into a clueless company. You get to avoid the horror of having to call your downline and tell them that the clueless company you recommended has just gone bankrupt. But that's not all...

you also get to avoid the personal anguish as the company gets publicly humiliated as a pyramid scam. How would you like to be the leader of a downline in YTB? Now listen, getting to avoid all that drama may not seem sexy at first, but trust me, it's an incredible benefit. We who are fortunate enough to have chosen Life Force instead, all ought to be shouting: Yippeee!!

And while I can't see Wayne Hillman doing the convention in shorts, I'm sure glad we've got him at the helm as opposed to some yahoo in a straw hat. My friends, here's the bottom line: if you're looking to build residual income, you've come to the right place!

And, don't forget about the new system we now have access to. Go check out Club 100k!

Expect Abundance,


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